The Preservation Collective joined local and state officials at a rally held in the Town of Chester to support open space preservation. The movement to protect watersheds, preserve historic properties and save productive farms continues to grow in Orange County.

The public attended the event to hear speakers talk in support of legislation that would allow municipalities to vote on preservation funding. Currently, there are sponsored bills specific for the Town of Chester and the Town of Blooming Grove in the NYS Legislature.

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Community Preservation Funds – The Preservation Collective

Preservation Funding Rally May 21, 2021. Speakers included (left to right) Town of Chester Councilman Bob Courtenay, Chester Town Supervisor Robert Valentine, Chester Town Planning Board Chairman Don Serotta, Tracy Schuh with The Preservation Collective, Inc., Stephen Keahon with Preserve Chester, Orange County Legislator John Vero, Thomas Becker, Chester Town Councilman and on behalf of County Executive Steve Neuhaus, Senator James Skoufis and Assemblyman Colin Schmitt.
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Tracy Schuh/The Preservation Collective Recipient of the Orange Environment Kissam Award